S.No. | Authors Name |
Journal Type [International
/ National] |
Paper Title | Journal Details |
Indexed [SCI,
Scopus, DOI, etc] |
1 | Dr .D.Kirbakaran | International | Alex Net-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network Optimized With Group Teaching Optimization Algorithm (GTOA) For Paediatric Bone Age Assessment From Hand X-Ray Images. | The Imaging Science Journal | SCI |
International | Experimental analysis of AA7475/ZrC/Al2O3 hybrid composites by taguchi method | Journal of Ceramic Processing Research | SCI | ||
2 | Dr S. Hemalatha | International | AC Networks With Microgrids: Passivity-Based Controllers in Single Phase Electric Network | Electric power components and systems | SCI |
International | Soil Ph Periodic Assortment With Smart Irrigation Using Aerial Tribo Electric Nano Generator | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, | Scopus | ||
International | Design And Investigation Of PV String/Central Architecture For Bayesian Fusion Technique Using Grey Wolf Optimization And Flower Pollination Optimized Algorithm | Energy Conversion and Management | SCI |
S.No. | Authors Name |
Journal Type [International
/ National] |
Paper Title | Journal Details |
Indexed [SCI,
Scopus, DOI, etc] |
1 | Dr .D.Kirbakaran | International | Optimal location determination for an EVPLand capacitors in distribution network considering power loss and voltage profile: SGOS2A technique | Journal of Intelligent & amp; fuzzy systems | WoS |
International | Experimental analysis of AA7475/ZrC/Al2O3 hybrid composites by taguchi method | Journal of Ceramic Processing Research | Scopus | ||
International | Abrasion-Resistant Polytetrafluoroethylene with Graphite Fibers For Aerospace And Defense Components Post Hard Anodizing | Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association. | Scopus | ||
International | Load-bearing characteristics of a hybird Si3N4-epoxy composite | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | Scopus | ||
International | AlexNet-based deep convolutional neural network optimized with group teaching optimization algorithm (GTOA) for paediatric bone age assessment from hand X-ray images | Imaging Science Journal | Scopus | ||
2 | Dr.S. Hemalatha | International | Design and investigation of PV string/central architecture for bayesian fusion technique using grey wolf optimization and flower pollination optimized algorithm | Energy Conversion and Management | WoS |
3 | Mr.R.Manivannan | International | Performance Prediction of Building Integrated Photovoltaic System Using Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm | International Journal of Photoenergy | WoS |
S.No | Author Name | Journal Type [International / National] | Paper Title | Journal Details | Indexed (SCI, Scopus, DOI, etc) |
1 | Dr.D.Kirubakaran | International | Implementation of sepic converter for hybrid electrical vehicle charging station | GIS Science Journal, Vol.8, No.6, pp.219-222, 2021 | Scopus |
2 | Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar | International | Performance Analysis of Solar Connected Flyback Converter for Electric Applications | 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS) DOI: 10.1109/ICACCS51430.2021.9441688 |
Scopus |
3 | International | Hybrid optimization techniques based automatic artificial respiration system for corona patient | Automatika, vol. 63, no.2, pp. 226-243, 2022 | WoS, Scopus | |
4 | Dr.S.Gomathi & Mrs.M.R.Faridhabanu | International | Enhancement of Modified Multiport Boost Converter for Hybrid System | International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES) DOI: 10.1109/ICSES52305.2021.9633853 |
Scopus |
5 | Mr.R.Manivannan | International | Review of mitigation of PEVs Charging impacts in distribution networks by optimization approaches | Design Engineering, Vol.7, pp.464-479, 2021 | - |
6 | Mrs.M.R.Faridhabanu | International | Implementation of smart home automations in android applications | Turkish online Journal of qualitative inquiry Vol. 12 Issue 7. | Scopus |
S.No. |
Authors Name |
Journal Type [International/ National] |
Paper Title |
Journal Details |
Indexed [SCI, Scopus,DOI, etc] |
1. |
Dr. D.Kirubakaran |
International |
Voltage Stability Analysis based on Optimal Placement of Multiple DG types using Hybrid Optimization Techniques |
International Transaction on Electical Energy Systems, Online Issue |
Scopus |
International |
A hybrid space vector modulation for the near-zero common-mode voltage and common-mode current mitigation in diode-clamped multilevel-inverter-fed induction motor drive |
Int Trans Electr Energ Systems, 2020;e12535, wiley |
SCI/Scopus |
International |
A narrative 3-phase 9-level voltage source inverter |
International journal of power electronics and drive system , |
Scopus |
2. |
Dr.S. Hemalatha |
International |
Soft switching and voltage control for three phase induction motor |
Advances in Smart Grid Technology, Springer Lecture Note Series, Online Issue |
Scopus |
3. |
Dr A RameshKumar |
International |
Analysis the Impact of Photovoltaic System for Loss Minimization in Modern Power System |
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.10 (2021), 5830-5839 |
Scopus |
International |
Solving Optimal Power Flow Problems Using Adaptive Quasi-Oppositional Differential Migrated Biogeography-Based Optimization |
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Online Issue |
SCOPUS,Science Citation Index Expanded |
4. |
Dr. S. Gomathi |
International |
Design and fabrication of cost effective FDM based 3D printer for sustainable environment |
Journal of Green Engineering, 2020, 10(11), 12232-12239 |
Google Scholar |
International |
Active Bridges Based Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Solar PV Applications |
IEEE Explorer |
Scopus |
International |
Photovoltaic based Induction Motor Speed Control using Sepic Converter |
International Journal of Advance Science and Technology, Vol. No.29(10), |
Scopus |
S.No. | Authors Name | Journal Type [International/ National] | Paper Title | Journal Details | Indexed [SCI, Scopus,DOI, etc] |
1 | Dr. D.Kirbakaran | International | Enhanced Boost Converter Fed AsymmetricalCascaded -MLI for 3 phase Induction Motor | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-11, September 2019 | Scopus |
International | Multi-Loop Structure Based Sliding Mode Controller for Positive Output Split Inductor Boost Converter |
Caribbean Journal of Science , Volume 53, Issue 2, (MAY
- AUG), 2019.
International | PV Based Asymmetrical Cascade Three Phase Nine Level Multi Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6, August 2019. | 5.9 | ||
International | Design and Implementation of KY Buck-Boost Converter with Voltage Mode Control |
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology, ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-8 Issue-5, June
International | A hybrid t-type multilevel inverter with a novel modulation strategy for isolated supply electric systems | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 14, No. 3 (2019) 1614 - 1638 © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University | Scopus | ||
2 |
S. Hemalatha,
R. Srinivasan, A. Ruban Raja |
International | A Graph Theory Based Power System Restoration Plan | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue- 8S, pp.551-556, June 2019 | Scopus |
S.No. | Authors Name |
Journal Type [International
/ National] |
Paper Title | Journal Details |
Indexed [SCI,
Scopus, DOI, etc] |
1 | Dr .D.Kirbakaran | International | Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System Using DVR With Minimum Energy Injection an Intellgent Control Scheme | Journal of Electrical Engineering Volume 20, edition 2, pp123 | Scopus |
International | Asymmetrical Voltage Source Based 3-Φ Nine Level Inverter With Reduced Power Switches. |
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Special Issue on
SU18, School of Engineering,
Taylor’s University pp. 144 – 156, February 2019 |
Scopus | ||
International | Closed Loop Control of Voltage Source Converters During Faults in HVDC Transmission System |
International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Education
https:// doi.org/ 10.1177/ 0020720919829714
February 2019 |
Scopus | ||
International |
Assessment Of Particle Swarm Optimization Based Quasi Z-Source
Fed Induction Motor Drive |
Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 17, No.6, pp. 2414-2428,
2018. |
Scopus | ||
International | Novel Zeta Converter with Multi Level Inverter Connected to Grid |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 814-820, September 2018 |
Scopus | ||
2 |
Dr. D.Kirubakaran
Mr.S.Kamalakannan |
International | Power Quality Enhancement of on Grid Solar PV System with Z Source Inverter |
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Special Issue on
SU18, School of Engineering,
Taylor’s University pp. 135 – 143, February 2019 |
Scopus |
3 | M.Lakshmi, Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar | International | Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using Crow Search Algorithm |
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(IJECE), Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1423- 1431,
June 2018. |
Scopus |
4 | Dr. A. Deepak Mrs.S.Gomathi | International | FEA Analysis of S- MSG for Aircraft Application | International Journal of Engineering & Technology, (IJET)7 (4.19) pp 89-93, 2018. | Scopus |
5 | Dr. A. Deepak | International |
Electromagnetic & thermal analysis of synchronous generator
with different rotor structures for aircraft
application |
Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57, pp 1447-1557,
2018. |
Scopus |
6 | Dr. A. Deepak Mrs.S.Gomathi | International | Performance Comparison of Different Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Solar PV System | Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol.19.1.20, pp158-164. | Scopus |
S.No. | Authors Name | Journal Type [International / National] | Paper Title | Journal Details |
Indexed [SCI,
Scopus, DOI, etc]
1 | Dr. D.Kirubakaran | International | Enhanced Zeta Converter for DC Bus Voltage Regulation | International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 1503- 1511, December 2017. | Scopus |
International |
Three Phase 19 Level Modular Multi Level Inverter for
Renewable Energy Resource
International Journal of Advance Engineering and
Research Development, Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp. 371-
377, June 2017. |
2 | Dr.S Hemalatha G.Jyosthna | International | Enhancement of Power System Network Using Facts Devices | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 236-247, May 2018 | Scopus |
3 | S.Gomathi | International | Series Capacitors Connected Non Isolated Bidirectional Converter for PV Applications | Interciencia Journal, Vol.42, No.11, pp. 717- 722, 2017. | Scopus |
4 | Dr. C.T. Kavitha | International |
A Robust Microcontroller Based Continuous Authentication System
Using Touch Screen Patterns |
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 117, No. 16, pp. 713-717, 2017. | Scopus |
5 | Dr.K.Kumarasamy | International | Voltage stability improvement in practical power system using cost effective objective function | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 77-87, May 2018 | Scopus |
6 | G.Jyosthna D.Kousalya A.Kiruthika | International |
Fault location and classification in transmission line using
techniques |
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 77-87, May 2018 | Scopus |
7 | S.Vinodini M.Dhanunjaya | International |
Real and Reactive Power Rescheduling for Zonal
Congestion Management with Facts |
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- | Scopus |
8 | Rao P.Dhivya |
Devices using Symbiotic Organism Search (SOS) and
Krill Herd (BBKH) Algorithm |
Special Issue, pp. 210-227, May 2018 |
9 | M.R.Faridha Banu M.Latha Devi P.Abirami | International | Implementation of AC to DC Adapter with EMI Filter | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 228-235, May 2018 | Scopus |
10 | S.Karthick | International | Static Excitation Logic Control Using PLC in Power Generator | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 248-255, May 2018 | Scopus |
11 | D.Kousalya G.Jyosthna | International |
Performance Analysis of Three-Level SVM Based Direct Torque
Control of Induction
Motor Using Fuzzy Tuned PI Controller |
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 256-266, May 2018 | Scopus |
12 |
Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar
M.Lakshmi |
International |
CSA Tuned Fuzzy Based PID Controller for Automatic Generation
Control for Multi
Area Power System |
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 09- Special Issue, pp. 275-282, May 2018 | Scopus |