S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
1. |
28/11/2023 to 30/11/2023 (3 Days) |
FDTP on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Systems |
Pantech E Learning Pvt. Ltd |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
1. |
21/11/2022 to 23/11/2022 (3 Days) |
FDTP on Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Interface |
Pantech E Learning Pvt. Ltd |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
1. |
28/02/2022 To 05/03/2022 (7 Days) |
Six days workshop on Design Challenges on Motors and Controllers for EV Applcations |
Dr. A. Deepak Dr. G. AswinUvaraj Ms. B. Aparna Mr. A. Sathish Kumar Dr. V. S. Nagarajan Mr. R. Rajakumar |
S.No |
Period |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
1 |
Slot 1: |
AICTE funded STTP on |
P. Kanagavel. NIWE, Chennai |
2 |
14/12/2020 to 18/12/2020 |
AICTE funded ATAL FDP on |
Dr. P. Kanagavel. NIWE,Chennai |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the event |
Resource Person |
No.of Participants |
1. |
23-04-2021 |
Energy and Sustainability |
Mr.K.Anilkumar Empaneled External Faculty, Petroleum Conservation and Research Association. |
160 |
2. |
04-05-2021 |
Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency |
Mr.D.Rathinasabapathy Empaneled External Faculty, Petroleum Conservation and Research Association. |
150 |
3. |
22-05-2021 |
An online Quiz on "Energy Conservation" |
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
145 |
4. |
23-05-2021 |
Alumni Talk |
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
155 |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
1. |
20.07.2020 to 24.07.2020 (5 Days) |
International Online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on TRENDS IN ELECTRIC VEHICLES |
1.Dr. Ritesh Kumar Keshri, PhD UniPD (Italy) 2.Dr. Tomy Sebastian Director of Motor Drive Systems Halla Mechatronics, Bay City, Michigan, USA 3.Dr. T.Thandapani Director-Tech, RRT Electro Power (P) Ltd., 4.Dr. C.Bharatiraja M.E., Ph.D., PDF (USA and ZA) INDO-US Base Fellow SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur 5.Mr.Saravana VP - Engineering,Qmax Systems India Pvt Ltd |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
Three Days National level workshop on Trends in Electric Vehicle & it’s Power Converters |
1.Mr. Prasanth Kumar,Technical Trainer, Haritha Techlogix,Bangalore 2.Dr.S.Rama Reddy, Dean, Jerusalem College of Engineering,Chennai 3. Dr. C. Sharmeela, Associate Professor, Anna University, Chennai 4.Mr Saravanan,VP – Engineering Qmax Systems India Pvt Ltd,Chennai |
21/11/2019 To 23/11/2019 |
40 |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
One week FDP on Operations Research for Engineers |
Dr. Kailash Chandra Lachhwani Professor, Department of Applied Science, NITTTR, Chandigarh |
16/12/19 to 20/12/19 |
35 |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
No. of Participants |
1. |
17-04-2020 |
Learnings From IEEE |
Mr. Akhil Aduvala Richard E. Merwin Scholar Chair – IEEE CS SBC, VCE |
151 |
2. |
24-04-2020 |
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks |
Dr.Aarti Miland Karande Associate Professor Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Andheri |
980 |
3. |
27-04-2020 |
Smart Battery Energy Management and Healthy Concious Fast Charging for Future Transportation Electrification |
Dr. Sheldon Williamson, Professor, University of Ontario, Canada |
1300 |
4. |
27-04-2020 to 06-05-2020 |
Webinar Series on - Know Your IEEE |
By IEEE Experts IEEE Madras Section |
Every day 300+ |
5. |
08-05-2020 |
Grid Connected and Stand Alone Solar Plant Design Using PV System |
Mr. S. Selvakumar Head-Engineering & Design M/S Power Projects, Chennai |
1200 |
6. |
12-05-2020 |
Managing Expectations in Job Market During Crisis |
Mr. Kithinji Muriungi Young Professional, IEEE Kenya Section, Kenya |
600 |
7. |
14-05-2020 |
Grid Connected and Standalone Microgrid Design using HOMERPro |
Mr. L. Bala Kumar M/S Power Projects, Chennai |
1315 |
8. |
19-05-2020 |
Power Quality Analysis – Modelling and Simulation |
Ms. C.R. Amudha M/S Power Projects, Chennai |
1270 |
9. |
21-05-2020 |
Grid Connected and Standalone PV Solar Plant Design Using PVSyst – Part 2 |
Mr. Lakshmipathi M/S Power Projects, Chennai |
1085 |
10. |
27-05.2020 |
Ethical Hacking |
Mr. Sumann Instructor and Cybersecurity, Vega Institute, Mauritius. |
1100 |
11. |
25-05-2020 to 20-06-2020 |
4 weeks Quiz Competition for School Students |
Organized by Department of EEE St.Joseph’s College of Engineering and St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology |
244 |
12. |
10.06.2020 |
Solar Photovoltaic Systems & Future Technologies |
Mr.Sameet Nabar Vice President Solar division. Mr.Ranjith Kumar Senior Sales Officer, Ravin Group. |
75 |
13. |
11.06.20202 |
Importance of Students and Young Professionals in IEEE |
Ms. Susan Kathy Land IEEE President Elect 2020 |
87 |
14. |
21.06.2020 |
Design of Digital Audio Playback System using AT89S51 Microchip Family |
Mr.S.V. Sreeraj Director EmCog Solutions, Chennai |
66 |
15. |
27.06.2020 |
Desperate need of Electrical Actuators |
Mr. Edison Tamilmani Chief Technical officer, Retech Solutions Pvt. Ltd |
213 |
16. |
28.06.2020 |
IEEE Impact in Individual |
Mr. Abdul Halik M I R10 SAC Ambassador IEEE Madras Section |
68 |
17. |
06.07.2020 |
Creativity with Passion leads to Leadership |
Ln. Kishore Srinivasan Life coach, RJ, All India Radio, Chennai |
100 |
18. |
11.07.2020 |
New Career Era on Natural Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence |
Mr. M.A.Gazali Career Coach from NCDA,USA Thivya Academy |
100 |
S.No |
Date |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
No.of Participats |
1. |
01.07.2020 to 03.07.2020 (3 Days) |
Online Training on Developing Robotics Application using Matlab |
Dr. M. M Ramya Professor, Centre for Automation and Robotics, Hindustan Institute of Technology and science |
150 |
2. |
13.07.2020 to 15.07.2020 (3 Days) |
Three Days Online Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Grid Connected and Islanded Microgrid Design using Homer Pro |
Mr.L.Balakumar Senior Power system and Microgrid Engineer, Power Projects Mr.L.Lakshmipathi Engineer, Power Projects, chennai |
150 |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
Industry 4.0 (Smart Manufacturing) |
1.Mr.Pramod Vatsa National Head,Saint Gobain 2.Mr.J.Rajsekar Director,CDCE 3.Mr.K.Jayachandran Deputy Director (Rtd),MSME |
19/11/18 & 20/11/18 |
62 |
2. |
Energy Management System |
1.Er.R Nesamani, Joint Director, PCRA SR 2.Dr.S.Venkatanarayanan, Professor and EnMs – Lead Energy Auditor, Chartered Engineer, PCRA Empanelled Faculty 3.Dr.J.Balamurugan, Tamilnadu Electricity Board 4.Er.K.Sundar, Sr General Manager (Rtd), Mechanical, DCW- Dhrangadhra Chemical Works Limited. 5.Dr.A.K.Parvathy, Professor, Electrical Engineering, Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science 6. Er.S.Shivakumar, Manager & Head, Project Execution, Global Solar Technology – Madurai, PCRA Empanelled Faculty |
29/11/18 & 30/11/18 |
45 |
3. |
IEEE Sponsored Three Days National level workshop on Design, Optimization & Analysis of Electrical Machines |
1.Dr.Ganesh Nagarajan, Comstar Automative Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai 2.Mr. M. Sriram Kumar, Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited 3.Dr.C.Lenin, Associate Professor, VIT Chennai 4.Dr.M.Balaji, Associate Professor, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai 5.Mr. R.Elavarasan,Assistant Professor, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai |
8/05/2019 to 10/05/19. |
43 |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
Conceptual Practices of IoT & AI for Engineering Applications |
Mr.Rahul Yennu Senior Embedded Engineer, Pantech Pro Ed |
03/05/18 & 04/05/18 |
49 |
2. |
Two days workshop on Conceptual practices in Industrial automation |
Mr. Rajasekar Jayakumar Director, CDCE Automation |
09/11/17 & 10/11/17 |
38 |
3. |
Design & Implementation of Grid Integrated Solar PV System with Research Perspective |
Mr.A.Raguram Director-Operations Cares Renewables Pvt. Ltd. |
22/11/17 to 24/11/17 |
46 |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
One week Anna University supported FDP on BE8253-Basic Electrical,Electronics, Instrumentation and Measurement Engineering |
1.Dr.P.Somasundaram/ASP/Anna University 2.Mr.A.Prabhu/Voltech Pvt Ltd 3.Mr.J.Rajasekar/CDCE Automation Pvt Ltd 4.Mr.A.Raguram/Cares Renewable |
01/12/ 2017 to 08/12/2017 |
26 |
S.No |
Name of the Event |
Resource Person |
Period |
No.of Faculty Participated |
1. |
One week Anna University supported FDP on EE 6701- High Voltage Engineering |
1. Mr.Sanakara Narayanan/ TNEB 2. Dr. Booma. N/Jerusalem College of Engineering 3. Dr. A. Peer Fathima/ VIT, Chennai 4. Dr. J. Baskaran/ Aadhi Parasakthi Engineering College |
01/06/2016 to 06/06/2016 |
24 |