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Journal Details:
- Saravanan P,Anandkumar S, Sharmila J, Chamundeeswari M, Suresh S & Nisha P, “Development
and characterization of DGEBA-APTES-ZrO2 nanocomposite coatings for anti-corrosion and antifouling”,,(2023).(Impact factor 1.837)
- K. Jayamoorthy,, P. Saravanan,, Vaddi Seshagiri Rao, N. R. Rajagopalan, Sathish R & P. Nisha,
Carbon nanotubes functionalized with newly synthesized benzimidazole derivative for corrosion
inhibition on the nickel alloy surface in a sulfuric acidic medium, Inorganic and Nano-Metal
Chemistry, 10.1080/24701556.2021.1984534, (2021). (Impact factor 1.767)
- P. Nisha, K I Dhanalekshmi & C. Ravichandran, “Effect of 4-Aminobutyltriethoxysilane Modified
Al2O3 nanoparticles on the dielectric properties of Epoxy nanocomposites for high voltage
applications” Silicon, vol. 13, pp. 1009-1015 (2020). (Impact factor 2.941)
- . P. Nisha, S. Suresh, K. Jayamoorthy, K. I. Dhanalekshmi & C. Ravichandran “Synthesis, spectral,
thermal studies and dielectric behavior of functionalized TiO2-loaded diglycidyl epoxy
nanocomposite film”, Journal of polymer Bulletin. (Impact Factor 2.843)
- Nisha, P, Suresh, S & Ravichandran, C 2021, ‘Effect on hydrophobicity and antimicrobial behavior of
epoxy resin due to silane functionalized TiO2 as nanofillers’, International Journal of Polymer Analysis and
Characterization, vol. 26, no. 8, pp. 668-681. (Impact Factor 2.583)
- S. Suresh, P. Nisha, P. Saravanan, K. Jayamoorthy, S. Karthikeyan, Investigation of the Thermal and
Dielectric Behavior of Epoxy Nano-Hybrids by using Silane Modified Nano-ZnO, Silicon, DOI
10.1007/s12633-017-9604-3, Pages: 1-13 (2017). (Impact factor 2.941)
- P. Nisha and Ramani kalpathi, “Design and implementation of solar power water pumping system”,
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.2,No.2, Pages:
272- 278 (2013)