Our professional chapters provide a unique combination of social interaction and delivering in- depth professional knowledge. With IT as our profession, this chapter represents all facets of computing, coding, developing, challenging and learning. The chapter activities include various technical events and practical sessions for students, added with valuable opportunities to network at a local level, enabling their personal and professional growth.

List of Professional Chapters:

The Institution Of Engineers(India) (IEI)

With a great beginning of the occasion to empower the future source on “machine learning”, the department of IT of “St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology” organized an one-day workshop on machine learning in association with “Institution of Engineers (India)” with the industrial partner “Retech Solutions Pvt Ltd”. The Programme is an hands-on Training conducted on 23-August-2019 to enlighten the practical exposure of students.

  • Inaugural Function Details with photos Workshop named “One day Hands-on Training on Machine Learning” was inaugurated on 23rd August 2019 with IEI membership participants. The inauguration was started with a standing ovation of Tamil Thai Vazhthu and lightening of lamp with all the dignitaries of the occasion that includes, Chief Guest and Resource Person Mr. E. Arun Kumar, Vice President, Retech Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Dr. D.Elango, IEI KLC Honorary Secretary, the Principal of St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology Dr. P. Ravichandran, and the Head of the department of IT, Dr.S.Kalarani who addressed the gathering.

Academic Year:2021-2022

S.No Date Event Name
1 04/06/2021 & 05/06/2021 Two days student workshop on “Cyber Security & User Privacy”
2 13/07/2021 A Technical Webinar on “ Fundamentals of Python Programming”
3 27/07/2021 A Technical Webinar on “Introduction to Data Science, Machine Learning & Deep Learning”
4 27/08/2021 A Technical Webinar on “Full Stack Development with Java Script”

Academic Year:2020-2021

S.No Date Event Name
1 13/06/2020 & 14/06/2020 Hands on Training in “IBM Watson Services”
2 16/07/2020 “Tamil Webinar-“தமிழ் சார்ந்த கட்டற்ற ததாழில்நுட்பமும் கணிநுட்பமும்”
3 11/07/2020 Webinar on “Resume that get Interviews”
4 07/05/2021 Webinar on “The way for a Successful Career”

Academic Year:2019-2020

S.No Date Event Name Resource Person Level Objective Of the program
1 23/08/2019 Hands-on Training on Machine Learning Dr.Elango, Hon.Secretary-IEI Mr.E.Arunkumar, Retech Solutions Pvt Ltd. College Evaluation of Machine Learning
2 26/02/2020 Guest Lecture Ms.Ramya Authappan, Quality Engineering Manager at Gitlab Inc. College DevOps and other engineering functions in IT industry

Academic Year:2018-2019

S.No Date Event Name Resource Person Level Objective Of the program
1 21/12/2018 IEI Membership Dr. Srinivasan Alavandar, Hon.Secretary - IEI College Inauguaration
2 27/09/2018 Technical Talk on Human Intelligence to Artifical Intelligence Dr. Arun Janarathanam, Qualcomm. College Importance of Artificial Intelligence
  • This report captures presentations, interactive discussions and Real time applications at the “One Day Hands on Training on Machine Learning” sponsored by The Institution of Engineers (India) with the fund of Rs.10,000 under the aegis of Computer Engineering Division, Kanchepuram Local Centre in collaboration with the Department of Information Technology, St.Joseph’s Institute of Technology , August 23rd 2019.

Computer Society of India (CSI)

  • The CSI club encouraged students to innovate and implement their ideas by giving them a perfect plarform for work and providing certificates and awards for innovative projects and ideas. There are vide variety of acivitites conducted by this club for development and sharing of knowladge and ideas.

Academic Year:2023-2024

S.No Date Event Name
1 28.03.2024 Guest Lecture on “Stepping into the Future with a Lot of Opportunities in IT Infrastructure as a Service”

Academic Year:2022-2023

S.No Date Event Name
1 13.10.2022 Connexions
2 13.10.2022 Doodles

Academic Year:2021-2022

S.No Date Event Name
1 05/06/2021 to 19/06/2021 Web series on Let Us Learn “Basic Python Codes”
2 13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021 Five days Online Faculty Development Programme on “Design and Analysis of Algorithms"

Academic Year:2020-2021

S.No Date Event Name
1 06/06/2020 Webinar on “Natural Language Processing”
2 09/06/2020 Webinar on “Insights of Deep Learning and CNN”
3 27/7/2020 to 31/7/2020 Five Days Online Short-Term Training Program on “Machine Learning”
4 27/3/2021 National Level workshop on the topic “Internet of Things”
5 31/05//2021 Intra department “Friends of the QuizMaster”

Academic Year:2019-2020

S.No Date Event Name Resource Person Level Objective Of the program


20/06/2019 to


Geographic Information Systems

Dr. Dr.Sanjeevi, Professor, CEG, Anna University, Chennai


Geographic Information Systems




Mr.Rizwan Shaikh, CTO & Founder at Pristine InfoSolution and Adv Pankaj B. Bafna, Partner at Bafna Law Assocites


Programming Ability

17/11/2018- Technical talk –“Automation in IT Industries”

Academic Year 2018-2019

  Date Name of the Society   Venue   Event Date   Resource Person   Level
1 17.11.2018 Computer Society of India (CSI) IT Lab 1 Technical talk –“Automation in IT Industries" Mr. Arunachalam Jayaraman, Senior Director-Technology, Virtusa, Chennai. College
2 29.09.2018 Computer Society of India (CSI) IT Lab 1 Code – iT contest -- College
3 Feb 2019 Computer Society of India (CSI) CSE Lab 2 Workshop on Robotics -- College

09/08/2017-Golden Tech Bridge Programme

21/09/2017- Web Designing

Academic Year:2017-2018

S. No.


Name of the Society


Event Name

Resource Person


Objective of the Programme



Computer Society of India

IT Lab - I

Web Designing



HTML &Java Programming





Computer Society of India

IT Lab - I

Two Days Workshop on “Information Technology and Essentials”

Mr.Thamarai Selvam, Associate Manager, Learning & Development Team, iNautix Technoloies Pvt Ltd, Chennai.


Practical Knowledge



Computer Society of India

IT Lab - II

Quiz Program




Knowledge Sharing



Computer Society of India

IT Lab - I

Poster Designing



Thinking Ability

11/01/2018-HACKATHON on Mobile Application Development.

02/02/2017-Young Talent Search in Code Debugging & Poster Design

IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

  • IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Find recent and past news related to IEEE hot topics, technical experts, products, awards, services, events, and more.

Academic Year 2023-2024

Time Activity/Session Speaker/Facilitator
10:30 AM Inauguration Ceremony
11:00 AM Keynote Session: Sustainable Goals Mr. J Mithran, AWS, DevOps Architect, Greens Technologies, Perumbakkam Chennai

Academic Year 2023-2024

Time Activity/Session Speaker/Facilitator
09:40 AM Inauguration Ceremony
10:00 AM Keynote Session: Sustainable Goals Praveen Jayaseelan, Manager, Cyber Security, CTS, Chennai

Academic Year 2023-2024

Time Activity/Session Speaker/Facilitator
10:00 AM Inauguration Ceremony
10:30 AM Keynote Session: Sustainable Goals Dr. N Kumarappan, Chairman, IEEE-CIS Madras Chapter

Academic Year 2020-2021

S.No Date Event Name
1 05/06/2021 Webinar on “Enhance the Career with IEEE”

Academic Year 2019-2020

S.No Date Name of the soceity Venue Event Name Resource Person Level Object of the Program
1 24/02/2020 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society AV Hall 1 Inauguration Mr.V.AdithyaPothan Raj Associate Operations Manager CTS,Chennai Mr. Dhanukumar Pattanashetti IEEE Client Services Manager IEEE,Banglore College Inauguaration

Academic Year 2017-2018

S.No Date Name of the soceity Venue Event Name Resource Person Level Object of the Program
1 06/09/2017 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society AV Hall 1 One day Workshop on IOT One day Workshop on IOT College Awareness of IOT