Papers in Journals:

  • Dr.S.kalaranipublished a paper titled "Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: A Research Analysis" in Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Feb 2022.
    "Computer Vision and Techniques" in Computer Vision and Techniques (Book Chapter), 2021
  • Dr.R.Priscilla"Applied Learning Algorithms for Intelligent IoT" in An Intelligent Deep Learning-Based Wireless Underground Sensor System for IoT-Based Agricultural Application (Book Chapter),Oct 2021
  • Dr.C.Saravanakumar "An Efficient Technique for Virtual Machine Clustering and Communications Using Task-Based Scheduling in Cloud Computing", Hindawi Scientific Programming July 2021.
    "An Enhanced Security Measure for Multimedia Images Using Hadoop Cluster" in International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (IJORJS) July 2021.
  • Dr.C.Saravanakumar & Dr.R.Priscilla"An Efficient On-Demand Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Using Common Deployment Model" in Computer Systems Science & Engineering Dec 2021.
  • Dr. L. Javid Ali"CCSA: Hybrid Cuckoo Crow Search Algorithm for Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing" in International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems,August 2021.
    "Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy",Blockchain Technology for Privacy and Security Issues Challenges in IOT-Based Systems [Book Chapter] Dec 2021
  • Dr.M.K.Kirubakaran"Design and Monitoring of a Wireless Sensor Network based Environment Security System Using IoT",International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences,Nov 2021.
    "Bio-Applications of Industry 4.0 Machine Learning High-Quality Control and Predictive Environment Maintenance",International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences,Nov 2021.
  • Dr. Sundara Velrani"Multi-hoped Cooperative Communication based Wireless Underground Sensor Network Design",International Journal of Communication Systems,April 2022.

Papers in Conference :

  • Dr. S. Kalarani,"Blockchain-Based E-Pharmacy to Combat Counterfeit Drug Transactions" in 3rd International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI 2022) January 2022.
  • Dr. S. Kalarani & Ms. Niroshini Infantia,"A Survey of Virtual Machine Management in Cloud Environment with various Recent Approaches" in National Conference on Recent Trends in Computing and Information Technology (RTCIT’21) 2021.
  • Dr. R. Priscilla,"Blockchain Based De-Centralized E-Voting System Using Smart Contracts",4th International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (ICBDCC 21) Aug 2021.
    "Forecasting the lung diseases from Rediography scans with hybrid Transfer Learning Techniques",The International Conference on Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems,Dec 2021.
  • Dr. Saravanakumar,"Efficient Multilevel Federated Compressed Reinforcement Learning of Smart Homes Using Deep Learning Methods",The International Conference on Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems,Dec 2021.
    "An Efficient Ensemble Model for Forecasting Time Series Analysis of Crypto Currency Data Using Machine Learning",The International Conference on Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems,Dec 2021.
    "Automatic Feature Extraction and Traffic Management Using Machine Learning and Open CV Model",The International Conference on Computing,Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems,Dec 2021.
  • Dr.S.Nikkath Bushra,"Machine learning forensics to gauge the likelihood of fraud in emails",6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) July 2021.
    "Smart Video Surveillance based weapon identification using YOLO V5",IEEE International Conference on Electronics Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC-22) April 2022.
    "Performance Analysis of different machine learning in customer prediction",IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Information (ICOEI-2022) April 2022.
  • Dr.M.K.Kirubakaran,"Real Time Social Distancing and Mask detection using Convolutional Neural Networks",12th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2021 August 2021.
    "Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Approach for Smart Agriculture System Using Edge Computing",6th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications,Dec 2021.
    "Blockchain Based Internet of Vehicles for Intelligent Transportation System Using Fog Computing",4th International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data & IoT,Dec 2021.
  • Dr. L. Javid Ali,"A Review on Task Scheduling using Optimization Algorithm in Clouds",5th IEEE International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI) June 2021.
  • Ms. Niroshini Infantia,"A Prediction of Phishing Websites by Optimal Feature Extraction using Recurrent Neural Network",6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI – 2022) April 2022.
  • Ms. Subhashini,"Eyesight Impairment Detection for Diabetic Patients using very Deep Convolutional Neural Network for 3 Channel Retinal Image",6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI – 2022) April 2021.
  • Mr. M. Karthi , Ms. Niroshini Infantia & Ms. Subhashini,"Comparative Studies with Random Datasets using Enhanced Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN and Single Shot Detector"International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0, Dec 2021.
  • >Mr. M. Karthi & Dr. R. Priscilla,"Evolution of YOLO-V5 Algorithm for Object Detection: Automated Detection of Library Books and Performance validation of Dataset", The International Conference on Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems, Dec 2021.
  • Ms. Revathi,"Probabilistic Techniques for Location based Service using Computational Intelligence",International Conference on Machine Learning Applications in Applied Sciences and Mathematics March 2022.
    "Application of ANN, SVM & KNN in the prediction of Diabetes MELLITUS",IEEE International Conference on Electronics Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC-22) April 2022.

Papers in Journals:

  • Dr.S.Kalarani S. published a paper titled "Internet of Things based Image Processing using Open cv-Python and its Application in smart Building" in International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology ICRCSIT – 20 June 2020.
  • Dr. Priscilla R. published a paper titled "A Smart Decentralized Framework to Track Patients Health Information using Electronic Health Record with Block Chain Technology" in International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking July 2020.
  • Dr.C.Saravanakumar. published papers titled "Multilevel Mammogram Image Analysis for Identifying Outliers: Misclassification Using Machine Learning" in Springer Book Chapter: Signal and Image Processing Techniques for the Development of Intelligent Healthcare Systems Sep 2020.
    published papers titled "An Efficient Multilevel Feature Extraction and Integrated Technique for Environment Landslide Prediction Using Machine Learning Technique" in Journal of Green Engineering July 2020.
  • Dr. L. Javid Ali. published papers titled "CWOA: Hybrid Approach for Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment" in The Computer Journal May 2021.
  • Mr. V. Govindaraj.published papers titled "Post-COVID-19 Emerging Challenges and Predictions on People, Process, and Product by Metaheuristic Deep Learning Algorithm" in Springer Book Chapter: Machine Intelligence and Soft Computing, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Jan 2021.
  • Ms. C. Niroshini Infantia & Mr. M. Karthi."An Overview of Block chain Technology for Agro Transaction" in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) May 2021.
  • Ms. V. Neelambary & G. Subhashini."A Breast Cancer Classification Technique based on Histological Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks" in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) May 2021.

Papers in Conference :

  • Dr.R.Priscill & Mr.R.Vijayaprabhu,"A Block chain Framework for Secure Transactions in Healthcare" in International E-Conference on Information, Communication and Networking 2020 (IECICN 20) July 2020.
  • Dr.R.Priscilla & Mr.Karthi,"Novel Motion Prediction Technique Using PCA" in National E-Conference on Advanced Trends In Computer Science And Engineering, NCATCSE 2K21 March 2021.
    "Local Transport Ticket Collecting System by Using NFC and IOT" in National E-Conference on Advanced Trends In Computer Science And Engineering, NCATCSE 2K21 March 2021.
  • Dr.C.Saravanakumar,"An Efficient Weighted Multi stream Classification Technique for Data Exploration and Distribution using Machine Learning Model" in International E-Conference on Information Communication and Networking, EICICN-2020 July 2020
    "Human Body Analysis and Diet Recommendation System using Machine Learning Techniques" in EAI/Innovations in communication and computing Jan 2021
    "An Efficient Generic Review Framework for Assessment of Learners Ability using KNN Algorithm" in EAI/Innovations in communication and computing Jan 2021.
    "Plant syndrome recognition by Giga pixel Image using Convolutional Neural Network" in EAI/Innovations in communication and computing Jan 2021.
    "An Efficient Machine Learning Model for Location Aware Credit Fraud and Risk Classification and Detection" in EAI/Innovations in communication and computing Jan 2021.
  • Dr.S.Nikkath Bushra,"Classification of Myopia in Children using machine Learning Models with Pre-based Feature Selection" in IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronics. Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) Nov 2020
    "Drug Administration Route Classification using Machine Learning Models" in IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems ICISS December 2020
    "Deep Learning Based Smart Surveillance Robot" in International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICASISET 2020 Jan 2021.
    "A Survey on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Neural Network (DCGAN) for Detection of COVID’19 Using Chest X-Ray CT Scan" in IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems ICISS Jan 2021.
    "Pediatric Sickle Cell Detection using Deep Learning - A Review" in IEEE  International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS) April 2021
    "Crime Investigation using DCGAN by Forensic Sketch-to-Face Transformation (STF)- A Review" in 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2021) April 2021
    "Securing of Cloud Data with Duplex Data Encryption Algorithm" in 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2021) April 2021.
    "Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound image Analysis Towards Cryptic Pregnancy Using Deep Learning-A Review" in 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) May
  • Dr.S.Nikkath Bushra & Dr.L.Javid Ali,"A Review on Fuzzy Face Recognition (FFR) using DGCAN" in 5th IEEE International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2021) May 2021.
  • Dr. L. Javid Ali,"A Systematic Review on Image Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Detecting Plant Diseases" in IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing Sept 2020
    "An Overview of the Routing Techniques Employed in Wireless Sensor Network" in IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing Sept 2020.
  • Ms.S.Anslam Sibi & Dr.R.Priscilla,"Modified Particle Swarm Optimization in Wireless Sensor Network for Clustering and Routing" in International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0,2020 July 2020.
  • Ms.S.Anslam Sibi & Mr.R.Vijaya Prabhu,"Survey on Clustering and Depletion of Energy in Wireless Sensor Network" in 3rd International conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems ICISS-2020 Jan 2020.

Papers in Journals:

  • Dr. M.K. Kirubakaran N. Sankarram, published a paper titled "Stimulated RR MAC protocol for power efficient wireless sensor networks" in International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems,Vol.11, No.2, pg no:115-121, 2019.
  • Mr. Karthi M,Dr. Priscilla R, Jafer KS.A Novel Content Detection Approach for Handwritten English letters. Procedia Computer Science. 2020 Jan 1;172:1016-25.
  • G. Annapoorani, G. Lathaselvi and Dr. Javid Ali (2020) "Role of General Adversarial Networks in Mammogram Analysis: A Review", Current Medical Imaging, DOI 10.2174/1573405614666191115102318, Vol. 16, No. 7, 2020, SCI Indexed.
  • Dr. M.k. Kirubakaran "A survey on application of hyperspectral imaging techniques in assessing fruit quality" , The journal of research on the lepidoptera Volume 51 issue 2,may 2020

Papers in Conference :

  • Mr. R. Vijaya Prabhu, Ms.S.Anslam Sibi, presented a paper titled "Efficient Energy Conservation and Trustbased Secure Routing in WSNs" at 9th world Engineering Education Forum (WEEF - 2019), held at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai, India, November 13-16,2019.
  • Dr. Priscilla Rajadurai; Mr Karthi Muthu; Mrs Niroshini Siddharth; Mrs Neelambary Venkatesan and Mr. Lokeshwar Kumar Tabjula presented a paper titled "Detection of Copy Right Infringement of Audio in On-Demand Systems Using Audio Fingerprinting" on Detection of Copy Right Infringement of Audio in On-Demand Systems Using Audio Fingerprinting held on 19 th Oct.
  • Dr. Nikath Bushrapresented a paper titled "Web shop Embezzlement using TCBT machine learning technique" at The 2nd World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology held on 19 th Oct.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Efficient Automated Technique For Service Assessment And Auditing Over Cloud Computing" at International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innocation in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICASISET-2019.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Automated Oblivious Transfer Based Object Extraction Using Deep Learning Techniques" at Fourth International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET 2019.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Unified Video Object Identification and Analusing Method using Machine Learning" at Fourth International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET 2019.
  • Dr.A.Menaka Pushpa presented a paper titled "Detection of Signal Spoofing and Jamming Attacks in UAV Network using Lightweight Intrusion Detection System" at International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems, CITS 2019 held on 19 th Aug.
  • T. Monisha; M. Mekala; K. Pradeep; N. Gobalakrishnan; L. Javid Alipresented a paper titled "A Study on QoS based Task Scheduling using Meta Heuristic Algorithms in Cloud Environment" at International Conference on Intelligent Computing And Control Systems - ICCS 2020 held on 19 th June.
  • Mr.Javid Ali; Ms.Subhashinipresented a paper titled "IOT BASED REAL MEDICAL DATA PROCESSING AND PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" at ICRDET'19 held on 19 th Mar.
  • Gobalakrishnan Natesan; K. Pradeep; L. Javid Alipresented a paper titled "Scheduling of Task in Cloud Environment Using Optimization Algorithms: Survey" at International Conference on Intelligent Computing And Control Systems - ICCS 2019 held on 19 th May.
  • Mr.Karthi M; Mr.R.A.Harikishore presented a paper titled "Driving style and fuel consumption analysis using data mining" at International conference on recent Developments in engineering management science and technology (ICRDET'19) held on 19 th March

Papers in Journals :

  • Dr. M.K. Kirubakaran; N. Sankarram, published a paper titled "Stimulated RR MAC protocol for power efficient wireless sensor networks" in International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems,Vol.11, No.2, pg no:115-121, 2019.

Papers in Conference :

  • Dr. Priscilla Rajadurai; Mr Karthi Muthu; Mrs Niroshini Siddharth; Mrs Neelambary Venkatesan and Mr. Lokeshwar Kumar Tabjula presented a paper titled "Detection of Copy Right Infringement of Audio in On-Demand Systems Using Audio Fingerprinting" on Detection of Copy Right Infringement of Audio in On-Demand Systems Using Audio Fingerprinting held on 19 th Oct.
  • Dr. Nikath Bushrapresented a paper titled "Web shop Embezzlement using TCBT machine learning technique" at The 2nd World Summit on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology held on 19 th Oct.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Efficient Automated Technique For Service Assessment And Auditing Over Cloud Computing" at International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innocation in Science, Engineering and Technology, ICASISET-2019.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Automated Oblivious Transfer Based Object Extraction Using Deep Learning Techniques" at Fourth International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET 2019.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumar presented a paper titled "Unified Video Object Identification and Analusing Method using Machine Learning" at Fourth International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ICRTET 2019.
  • Dr.A.Menaka Pushpa presented a paper titled "Detection of Signal Spoofing and Jamming Attacks in UAV Network using Lightweight Intrusion Detection System" at International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems, CITS 2019 held on 19 th Aug.
  • T. Monisha; M. Mekala; K. Pradeep; N. Gobalakrishnan; Dr. L. Javid Alipresented a paper titled "A Study on QoS based Task Scheduling using Meta Heuristic Algorithms in Cloud Environment" at International Conference on Intelligent Computing And Control Systems - ICCS 2020 held on 19 th June.
  • Mr.Javid Ali; Ms.Subhashinipresented a paper titled "IOT BASED REAL MEDICAL DATA PROCESSING AND PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE" at ICRDET'19 held on 19 th Mar.
  • Gobalakrishnan Natesan; K. Pradeep; L. Javid Alipresented a paper titled "Scheduling of Task in Cloud Environment Using Optimization Algorithms: Survey" at International Conference on Intelligent Computing And Control Systems - ICCS 2019 held on 19 th May.
  • Mr.Karthi M; Mr.R.A.Harikishore presented a paper titled "Driving style and fuel consumption analysis using data mining" at International conference on recent Developments in engineering management science and technology (ICRDET'19) held on 19 th March

Papers in Journals :

  • Dr. S. Kalarani,published a paper titled " Automatic bill generation of products using digital signature and QR code" in Scopus Indexed Journal " International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", Vol 117, No.16 , 299-306,2018
  • Mrs.C.Niroshnin Infantia, published a paper titled "Survey on Channel Allocation and Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks" in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 119, No. 15, 1729-1737, 2018.
  • Mrs.G.Subhashini; V.Neelambary published a paper " Securing and Transmitting Quantum Data on Wireless Sensor Network" in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),Vol-7 Issue-4S2, 324-328,2018.
  • Mrs.R. Priscilla and Mr. M. Karthi, published a paper "Usage of Bioinformatic Data For Remote Authentication in Wireless Networks", in Ictact journal on image and video processing, vol 09, issue 01, 2018.
  • M.Karthi,Dr.R.Priscilla and Ms.Benila , published a paper " The Patronage for Anticipating Veracity of Rail Mishaps using Text Mining and ID3 Algorithm" in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 119, No. 15, 1753-1759,2018.
  • Mr. R. Vijaya Prabhu, Ms.S.Anslam Sibi, published a paper " Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems" in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol.10, No.3, 932-937,2018.

Papers in Conference :

  • Dr. S. Kalaranipresented a paper titled "An Efficient Algorithm to detect credit card usage by an anomalous user" at 2nd International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC 2018) held on 2018.
  • Dr. S.Kalarani; Priyadharshini.T; Sri Aishwarya.B presented a paper titled "A Secure Cloud Media Center Application without Redundancy and Collusion Attack" at International conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2018) held on 2018.
  • Dr. C. Saravana Kumarpresented a paper titled "Efficient Workflow Management using Priority based Scheduling over Fog Computing" at International conference on "Cognitive IOT in Big data Cloud"-ICCIBC 2018 held on 2018.
  • Mr. R. Vijaya Prabhu; Ms. S. Anslam Sibi presented a paper titled "Effective Energy Conservation Of Wireless Sensor Networks For Monitoring Irrigation" at International conference on Engineering and Advancement in Technology 2018 held on 2018.

Papers in Journals :

  • Dr.A.Menaka Pushpa presented a paper titled "An SVM-based Multiclass IDS for Multicast Routing Attacks in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICACCI 2018: 36" at IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 2018 held on 2017.
  • Dr.S. Kalarani presented a paper titled "Effective Information Sharing using Dynamic Hash table Based co-oprative clients and Transparent Cluster based proxy cache management system" at National conference on communication and computing technologies NCCCT'16, Anna University Thiruchirappalli held on 2016.

Papers in Conference :

  • Dr. S. Kalaranipresented a paper titled "Automatic bill generation of products using digital signature and QR code" at International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics held on 2017.
  • Dr.C Saravanakumar, C Arun presented a paper titled "KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems" at International conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2018) held on 2018.