
Dr. M. Senthil Murugan

Assistant Professor

Staff Name Dr. M. Senthil Murugan
Designation Assistant Professor
Date of Birth 20/07/1982
Educational Qualification M.E., Ph.D.
Specialization Network Security, VLSI Design
Years of Experience 18 Years
Area of Research
  • VLSI Design
No of Student’s Project Guided
  • UG – 25
Publication Details
  • Published a paper “Prevention and Detection of Spoofing Attack in Wireless Sensor Network” in the Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, DOI: 10.26634/jwcn.9.1.18224 by April 2021.
  • Published a paper “Smart Irrigation Control with Disease Detection Using Machine Learning and Arduino Controller” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, ISSN (Online) 2581-9429 by April 2021.
  • Published a paper “Colour Detection Based Robotic Cart Using Raspberry Pi” in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, ISSN (Online) 2581- 9429 by April 2021.
  • Published a paper “Hardware Implementation of Hybrid Model Encryption Algorithm for Secure Transmission of Medical Images” in the International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (Scopus), ISSN No 2249-8958 by October 2019.
  • Published a paper “Area-Efficient and High-Speed Hardware Structure of Hybrid Cryptosystem (AES-RC4) For Maximizing Key Lifetime Using Parallel Sub Pipeline Architecture” in the Journal of Concurrency and Computation”: Practice and Experience (Web of Science), ISSN No 1532-0634 by April 2019.
  • Published a paper “Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm on Steganography” in the International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (Scopus), ISSN No 2277-3878 by January 2019.
  • Published a paper “Design of Hybrid Model Cryptographic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network” in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus), ISSN No 1314-3395 by November 2017.
  • Published a paper “A Hybrid Cryptographic algorithm design using Block and Stream cipher-based Confidentiality and Integrity in Wireless Sensors Networks” in the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Scopus), ISSN No 1991- 8178 by January 2016.
  • Published a paper “An Energy Efficient Key Management scheme for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks” in the International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, ISSN No 2348-7550 by July 2014.
  • Presented the paper “Evaluation of Support Vector Machine and Kernel Neural Network Classification for Fast Food Nutrition Data” in 2 nd International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems (ICAISS-2023) at CARE College of Engineering, Trichy held on August2023. (Scopus Indexed). – IEEE Conference.
  • Presented the paper “Detection and Categorization of Sorghum crop using MCRNN Architecture” in International Conference Contemporary in Science and its Engineering Applications (IC3SEA 2023) at Study World College of Engineering held on May 2023. (Scopus Indexed). – IEEE Conference.
  • Presented the paper “RFID based Smart Ticketing and Destination Announcement System” in National Conference on Recent Advancements in Science, Engineering and Technologies (RASET 2023) at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology held on May 2023.
  • Presented the paper “Performance Improvement of 16 Bus system using Hybrid power flow controller” in International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS 2022) at Mount Nion College of Engineering and Technology held on December 2022. (Scopus Indexed). – IEEE Conference.
  • Presented the paper “Medical Data Chip for Global Medical Record Access using Block chain” in Virtual International Conference on technological advancement in computers and communication (ICTACC 2022) at Adhiparasakthi Engineering college held on June 2022.
  • Presented the paper “A prediction of phishing websites by optical feature extraction using Recurrent Neural Network” 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2022) at SCAD College of Engineering and Technology held on April 2022 (Scopus Indexed). – IEEE Conference.
  • Presented the paper “Space Vector control for high level clamped inverters” in the ICAIS 2022, at JCT College of Engineering and Technology held on Feb 2022 (Scopus Indexed). – IEEE Conference.
  • Presented the paper “Lossless Image Compression for Secure Transmission using Hybrid Model Encryption Algorithm” in the International Conference on Advanced Scientific Innovation in Science, Engineering and Technology at Bharath University held on April 2019.
  • Presented the paper “Bone Mineral density using Neural Network” in the International Conference on Recent trends in science, Engineering and Management at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology held on March 2019.
  • Presented the paper “Lossless Image Compression using Modified SPIHT Algorithm” in the International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering Management Sciences and Technology at Dhaanish Ahmed College of Engineering and Technology held on March 2019.
  • Presented the paper “Implementation of Advanced Encryption Algorithm on Steganography” in the International Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering at AMET University held on September 2018.
  • Presented the paper “Cloud Based Home Sheltering using Raspberry Pi” in the National Conference on Emerging trends in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering held on April 2018.
  • Presented the paper “Tracking and Alert system for College Transport Services” in the National Conference on Trends in Instrumentation and Automation at Velammal Engineering College held on March 2018.
  • Presented the paper “Design of Hybrid Model Cryptography algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network” in the International Conference on Innovations and Research in Marine Electrical and Electronics Engineering at AMET University held on October 2017.
  • Presented the paper “A Hybrid Cryptographic algorithm design using Block and Stream Cipher Based Confidentiality and Integrity in Wireless Sensor Network” in National Conference on Emerging Trends in VLIS & Communication Engineering at Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology held on February 2016.
  • Presented the paper “Sub Block Matching Based Conditional Motion Estimation for Video Compression” in National Conference on Recent trends in science and Technology in Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute held on May 2005.
FDP Attended
  • Participated Five Days Faculty Development Program on “Co Po Mapping and Co Po Attainment” in Greater Kolkata College of Engineering & Management West Bengal from 10-07-23 to 14-07-23.
  • Participated Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on “VLIS and Chip Design” Mohamed Sathak A.J. College of Engineering from 10-07-23 to 14-07-23.
  • Participated Five Days Faculty Development Program on “Innovative VLSI Physical Design using Innovus” SIMATS School of Engineering from 09-01-23 to 13-01-23.
  • Participated Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in 5G Communication, Design and Technologies” at Rajalakshmi Engineering College from 05-07- 22 to 09-07-22.
  • Participated Six Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Technologies” at Jeppiaar Institute of Technology from 28-02-22 to 05-03-22.
  • Participated Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Embedded System Design using Intel SoC FPGAs” at SSN College of Engineering from 01-02-22 to 05-02-22.
  • Participated Five Days Online Faculty Development Training Program on “Machine Learning Techniques” at Sri Sairam Engineering College from 07-06-21 to 12-06-21.
  • Participated Six Days Faculty Development Program on “Research and Development in Wireless Communication Application using NetSim and MATLAB” at Pondicherry Engineering College from 02-11-20 to 07-11-20.
  • Participated Five Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Research Trends in Green Energy” at GMR Institute of Technology, Kakinada from 12-10-20 to 16-10-20.
  • Participated AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Training Programme on “Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for CUBESAT Applications” at Sri Sairam Institute of Technology Chennai from 31-10-19 to 6-11-19.
  • Participated in the short-term Training Programme on “Fuzzy Sets and Applications” at SRM University held on November 2018.
  • Participated in the Training Programme on “Industry 4.0” by MSME – Technology Development Centre, Government of India at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology held on November 2018.
  • Participated in the short-term course on “Embedded Technology system Design and Analysis of Wireless Embedded Technology” in Velammal Engineering College held on December 2007.
  • Participated in two week national level workshop on “Advanced Research Methodology” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology from 3rd July 2023 to 18th July 2023.
  • Participated in the National Level workshop on “Glimpses on Effective Research and Proposal writing” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology held on October 2016.
  • Participated in the National Level workshop on “Real Time Signal and Image Processing Using Xilinx Vivado system Generator and Simulation of Physical layer in Communications” at St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology held on September 2016.
  • Participated in the National Level workshop on “Cyber Security – Threats and Vulnerability Assessment” at PSG College of Technology held on January 2016.
  • Participated in the National Level workshop on “Simulation and Emulation of Self Organized Networks” at Kongu Engineering College held on September 2014.
  • Participated in the National Level workshop on “Mathematical Modeling in Wireless Sensor Networks and Hands on Training in OMNet++ V1.0” at Sathyabama University held on December 2013.
  • Participated in two days’ workshop on “Practical aspects & Implementations of Networking Protocols” in Velammal engineering College held on September 2006.
  • Attended a National Level workshop in “Advanced VSLI Design” in St. Joseph’s College of Engineering held on August 2005.
  • Published a Patent in the title of “Scheduling of millimeter wave (mmwave) and terahertz (thz) communications in cellularconnected uav networks with integrated sensing, communication, and control” on November 2022.
  • Published a Patent in the title of “Separation of Glass / Plastic Products using FPGA” on February 2022.