CP Jetlin, L J Anbarasi, R Neeraja, M Narendra, “Tries based rna structure prediction” 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC)
M Narendra, D Ben, CP Jetlin, LJ Anbarasi, “An efficient retrieval of watermarked multiple color images using secret sharing”, 2017 Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Networking (ICSCN)
CP Jetlin, Sherly Puspha Annabel L,” PyQDCNN: Pyramid QDCNNet for multi-level brain tumor classification using MRI image”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 100, 107042
CP Jetlin, LS PUSPHA ANNABEL, “TDACVO: Exponential Tasmanian Devil Anti-Coronavirus Optimization-Assisted Deep Model For Multi-Level Brain Tumor Categorization”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 24 (04), 2350089
R M Shiny, C P Jetlin, “A Reliable Resource Allocation Approach for Grid”, International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences. (IRJGES) ISSN : 2456-172X | Vol. 2, No. 4, December - February, 2017 | Pages 221-226
CP Jetlin, L Sherly Pushpa Annabel, “Brain Tumor MRI analysis using Deep Convolution Neural Network with Optimization Framework”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 52-56.
Modigari Narendra, R Neeraja, CP Jetlin, L Jani Anbarasi, “Locust Based Optimized Mining for Skull Images.”, RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES, Volume 8, Issue 3.
An Outline of Machine Learning Techniques for Breast Cancer Prediction, “Shiny R.M , Jetlin C P, “International Research Journal in Global Engineering and Sciences. (IRJGES) ISSN : 2456-172X | Vol. 3, No. 3, December 2018 - February, 2019 | Pages 125-130”.
Divya Da, Vanitha Rc MayaEapen b, CP Jetlin, “Cardiomind: Ai-Driven Heart Disease Prediction For Better Health Outcomes”.
International/ National Conference
“A Survey of Feature Extraction and Synthesis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Deep Neural Network Algorithm”, National Conference on Recent Research in Advanced Computing(NCRRAC’19)”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology , April 2019
International Conference on “HI-TECH TRENDS IN EMERGING COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOGIES” and published paper “An Efficient Processing of Twig Pattern Queries with Dynamic XML Dissemination” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science & Technology.
International Conference on Science, Engineering and Management and presented paper “A Novel Method of Broadcasting XML Data in Wireless Environment”.
National Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” and published paper “Analysis of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network” in International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology.
National Conference on “Computing and Communication engineering” and Published paper “Theoretical Analysis of an Algorithm Supporting Twig Pattern Queries” in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research.
National Conference on Computing and Communication Engineering” and Presented paper on “Classification of Questions in a Micro-blogging Environment Using Support Vector Machine” and published paper in International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology
“Fast Data- The Next Evolutionary step in Big Data Analytics” in the National Conference of sree Sastha Engineering College.
National Conference on Recent Trends in computing and communication” and Presented paper on “Analysis on Efficient and scalable processing of big data in disaster management” and published paper in International Journal of technology in computer science and engineering
Attended and published paper in IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Computation,15-17 December 2016 on paper titled “Tries Based RNA Structure Predictions”.
CP Jetlin, G Mahalakshmi, D Divya, “Handwritten Recognition Using Hybrid CNN-SVM Model for Cerebral Palsy”, 3rd International Conference on Optimization Techniques in the Field of Engineering (ICOFE-2024).
G Mahalakshmi, G Sumathi, CP Jetlin, “Smart Signage: CNN-Based Road Sign Detection and Classification”, 3rd International Conference on Optimization Techniques in the Field of Engineering (ICOFE-2024).