

Associate Professor

Staff Name Dr.Ilavarasan
Designation Associate Professor
Date of Birth 21.11.1986
Educational Qualification B.TECH(IT), M.Tech (IT), Ph.D
Specialization Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligent, Internet of Things
Years of Experience 10 Years
Area of Research
  • Security Methods Using Intrusion Detection for E-Learning Documents
No of Student’s Project Guided
  • Nil
Publication Details List of Journals
    (SCI/WOS Indexed) International Journals
    • Illavarason, P, Arokia Renjith, J & Mohan Kumar, P 2018, ‘Performance Evaluation of Visual Therapy Method used for Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation’, Journal of Medical Imaging and health informatics, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1804-1818(15) (Annexure 1), SCIE Indexed, Status-Published.
    • Illavarason.P, ArokiaRenjith J, 2018, ’Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Visual Stimulation Method and Analyzing the Quantitative Assessment of Oculomotor Abnormalities’, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, ISSN online: 1752-6426, ISSN print: 1752-6418, ESCI Indexed, Status-In Press.
    • Illavarason.P, Arokia Renjith J, Mohan Kumar P, 2019, Medical diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation using eye images in Machine learning techniques, Journal of Medical Systems, Springer, Vol 43(8) pp. 278-302, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-019-1410-6, SCIE Indexed, Status-Published.
    • Scopus Indexed International Journal Illavarason.P, Arokia Renjith J, Mohan Kumar P, 2018, ’Clinical Evaluation of Functional Vision Assessment by Utilizing the Visual Evoked Potential Device for Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation’, Elseveir, Science Procedia Journal, ISSN: 1877-0509, Volume-132, Pages-128-140, (2018). (Scopus Indexed). Status-Published
    • Illavarason, P, Arokia Renjith J, Mohan Kumar, P 2019, ’Evaluating the Effectiveness of Visual Techniques Methodologies for Cerebral Palsy Children and Analyzing the Global Developmental Delay’, Springer, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 521, pp 99-105. (Scopus Indexed), Status-Published.
    • Illavarason, P, Arokia Renjith J, Mohan Kumar, P 2019, ’Comparative Study and an Improved algorithm for Iris and Eye corner detection in Real Time Application’, Taylor & Francis CRC Press, (WOS & Scopus Indexed), (Status-Published).
    • IEEE /International Conference (Scopus Indexed)
    • Illavarason.P, Arokia Renjith J, Mohan Kumar P, 2019, 'A Study on the Quality of Life of CP Children requiring Early Rehabilitation Interventions', IEEE 5th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, ISBN Number: 978 -1-7281-1599-3, Pages 91-97 (Scopus Indexed), (Status-Published).
    • Illavarason.P, Kamachi Sundaram B, 2019, ‘A Study of Intrusion Detection System using Machine Learning Classification Algorithm based on different feature selection approach’, IEEE 3rd International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC 2019), ISBN Number:978-1-7281-4365-1, Pages 295-299 (Scopus Indexed), (Status-Published).
    • Jyoti Mukherjee, U Bhagyalakshmi, Arokia Renjit, P Illavarason, 2019, Cerebral Palsy-A Systematic Review, 2019 Fifth International Conference on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (ICONSTEM), Pages 104-108, (Scopus Indexed), (Status-Published).
    • Illavarason.P, Jeyachidra J, 2020, "A Comprehensive Study of Imaging and Machine Learning Techniques for Diagnosis the Disease", EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, ISSN: 2522-8595, (Scopus Indexed), (Status-Accepted).
    • Halith Hamja K. J, Illavarason P and Kamachi Sundaram B, 2020, "Underground Cable Fault Detection and Prevention Using Blynk", EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, ISSN: 2522-8595, (Scopus Indexed), (Status-Accepted).
Project Details
  • Received fund grant of Rs-881414/- from DST-SERB. (Department of Science and Technology – Science and Engineering Research Board).
  • Research Project Collaborated with NIEPMD (National Institute for Empowerment with person with multiple disabilities) Central Govt. Rehabilitation Center. Fund Grant File Number (EMR/2017/000073).
  • This project will be very useful for Cerebral palsy kid rehabilitation.
  • A software tool is developed, to assess improvement in CP kids from Eye Images which overcomes the burden of VEP test.
  • This application can be used in any rehabilitation centers to assess the improvement in CP kids by recording and analyzing eye features over a period of time.
  • Finally, the Effectiveness of Vision Therapy method determination by periodically assessing the eye features of CP kids and calculating the number of kids improved through therapy over a period.