Club Activities

Knowledge is to the mind, what food is to the soul. Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily college routine-classes, exams and assignments a feast to the mind can really rejenuvate weary students. That's the objective of club activities in our esteemed institution.

Cognizant Students Club

The aim of Cognizant students club is to facilitate continuous grooming of the students to meet corporate expectations. This also provides our students with an opportunity to strengthen their skills & sharpen their knowledge. The club activities include communication & personality development, Exposure to latest technologies, mini projects, coding test, bug identification, mentorship, team building, technical guest lectures. Teams from various colleges will be given tasks and the college who have been actively involved in the club activities will be motivated by providing exciting prizes for the best performing college, team, star performer & best mentor. St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology was consistently performing well and acknowledged by Cognizant for their best performance. The following events have been conducted for our students for the academic year 2018-19:


The GNU/Linux Users Group also known as GLUG is a student-driven community formed with the guidance of the Free Software Foundation Tamil Nadu (FSFTN) that fosters and encourages students to use and contribute to free and open-source technologies, art and licenses. A guest lecture and GLUG meet-ups has been organized where the students come together to learn something new related to free software technologies like Open source contribution on native languages, Free and open source software principles, Linux Administration containers and Dockers. A workshop “A Blogging Application using React.js, java and performance testing using JMeter” was conducted on 05.01.19

Coding Club

The coding club also called “Hacker Space” is a student driven club that focuses on improving the programming skills of students to help them prepare for competitive programming contests like ACM-ICPC, Google Codejam, APAC etc. The club comprises of two groups “DIV0” and “DIV1”. Categorizing students based on their existing programming proficiency helps in catering to the varied needs of students. This also helps the students prepare for placements in reputed product based companies. The students code on an in-house platform. The club hosts monthly sessions where hands-on training is given to students after an explanatory session.

Developer Student Club (Google Club)

The Google Club is an initiative by Google Developers for the facilitation of innovation among students and aspiring engineers. It is a club for students where awareness workshops and events re held to promote, learn and develop mobile solutions for our local eco-systems where small impacts can be seen in our respective communities. The club hosted a one-day Android mobile development workshop on 27th September 2018 in our campus. The hands-on workshop marked the process of learning in a very enthusiastic manner and hence was a great success for the students who attended.


The Techno-Hub was primarily initiated to make the students of CSE department industry-ready. This club improves the wellness of the students and provides a great exposure to the latest trends adapted in the IT Industry. Merit certificates are awarded to the students who have excelled in the events of the club.


The club conducted the activity “Genesis” on 18th July 2018. The main objective of this activity was to analyse and discuss the goals set by the U.N as part of the new sustainable development agenda, whose goals are specifically targeted to be achieved by various nations by 2030. The “ARETE”, an ECO-SOC Quiz was conducted on 1st August 2018. The objective of organising this activity is to identify the most effective candidate, who inculcates a principle for living life and focuses on the quality of everything he/she does and experiences it.

Maths Club

The aim of this club is to motivate and to nurture the interested students to excel in the field of Mathematics and its application. The club conducts various seminars and workshops to stimulate the awareness and interest in the field of Mathematics. The Mathematics club also conducts various competitions among the Mathematics club members and is performing dual role by inculcating arithmetic ability as well as logical thinking among the club members. The members of Mathematics club have participated in various colleges and universities and they have won many prizes.

English Club

The English Club provides the students a fun filled environment apart from their regular curriculum. It enables the students to develop a better vocabulary. It enables the students to outperform their speaking skills in a stipulated time. The club provides a platform to show case their hidden talents.


Every person has a special affinity to their mother tongue. It is the language that every child starts his or her life with. All our thoughts are best expressed in our mother tongue. In deference to this, our college has always stressed the importance of TAMIL.


The Quiz club in St. Joseph's Institute of Technology is an awesome niche comprising of the most curious and sharpest minds in the college. The quiz club conducts quiz sessions in regular periods of time with the events being conducted by the students themselves enabling them to act as quiz masters and hosts. The winners are awarded with cash awards and certificates.