Department Wise Project Propoal Details
Academic Year | Dept | Investigator(S) | Project Title | Name of Agency | Budget In Rs. | Status |
2020-2021 | CSE |
Dr.K.Vijayakumar | 5 th International Conference on recent trends in big data and IOT ICRTBI-2020 | SERB | 2,00,000 | Completed |
2021-2022 | ECE |
Dr. C. Gnana Kousalya | Passageway Devices of Fishing Vessels | MSME Innovative Scheme |
12,50,000 |
Ongoing |
Dr. C. Gnana Kousalya | Women Safety Night Patrolling Robot |
7,500 | Completed | ||
IT |
Dr.S.Kalarani | SPICES – Schemes for promoting Interest, Creativity and Ethics among Students |
100000.00 | Completed | |
2022-2023 |
Dr.K.Vijayakumar Dr. J Dafni Rose
| Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical systems (ICSES 2022) | SERB | 3,00,000 | Completed |
Dr.K.Vijayakumar Dr. J Dafni Rose | ICECONF | AICTE | 3,93,000 | Completed | ||
Dr. J Dafni Rose
| All India Seminar on Information Privacy | IEI | 30,000 | Completed | ||
Dr. J Dafni Rose
| All India Seminar on Recent Innovation on National Language Processing | IEI | 30,000 | Completed | ||
Mr.K.Immanuel | Recreating the frequency domain properties for underwater communication |
7,500 |
Completed | |
Dr.D.Kirubakaran | Development of Modified Enhanced self Lift Luo Converter for Electrical Vehicles | SERB | 9,20,000 | Submitted | |
Dr. N. Thangapandian | Influence Of Severe Surface Plastic Deformation on The Surface Integrity Of Wire Arc Additively Manufactured Aluminium Alloy |
22,80,000 |
Submitted | |
Dr. N. Thangapandian
| Influence Of Severe Surface
| Higher Education Dept, TN | 15,40,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr.M.Chrispin Das (PI) Dr.D.Elil Raja (Co-PI)
| Numerical Modeling, Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Al – SiCp – SiCW Nano Hybrid Composites for High Strength Industrial Applications | DST-SERB | 25,38,200 | Submitted | ||
Dr.D.Elil Raja (PI) Dr.M.Chrispin Das (Co-PI) | Fabrication And Comparison Of TribologicalBehaviour | DST-SERB | 18,10,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr.D.Elil Raja (PI) Dr.M.Chrispin Das (Co-PI | Fabrication and Tribological Behavior Studies on | Higher Education Dept, TN |
13,09,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr. D. Elil Raja | Tribologicalbehaviour studies on aluminium functionally graded metal matrix nanocomposite fabricated | TNSCST | 4,52,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr. N. Thangapandian | Development of 3d-Printed Porous Structures for Biomedical Applications | TNSCST | 3,60,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr.N.Suresh | Investigation of Biopolymer composites fabricated through Additive manufacturing for Orthopedic Implants | TNSCST | 5,00,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr A Sathishkumar | A study on the Characteristics of Aluminium foam | TNSCST | 3,02,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr.J.ImmanuelDurai Raj | Experimental investigation on the effect of e-waste materials as a filler in natural fiber reinforced composites | TNSCST | 5,80,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr R Ranjithkumar | Thermoelectric modelling and machinability studies of WIRE EDM process on super alloy | TNSCST | 4,86,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr.M.Chrispin Das | Al-Sip hybrid nano Composites for light Weight and high strength | TNSCST | 4,95,000 | Submitted | ||
Dr.D.Elil Raja | Agriculture- Automatic agriculture Rover | TNSCST | 4,95,0000 | Submitted | ||
Mr.K.Ramesh | Energy Recovery of Waste Plastics into Diesel Fuel using Thermal Decomposition | TNSCST | 4,81,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr.S.Jagadeesh | Experimental study on modified water injected four stroke petrol engine | TNSCST | 4,81,000 | Submitted | ||
Mr.T.Prabhuram | Development and wear analysis of Jute fiber reinforced flower powder particulate polymer composites | TNSCST | 4,95,0000 | Submitted |
Department Wise Project Proposal Completed Details
S.No | Name | Dept. | Titile | Amount (Rs.) | Agency |
1 | Mr.M.Senthil Murugan Mr.M.samayaraj Mr.Murali Ms.L.kanaga Durga | ECE | Design and development of Barcode Automation system | 2 lakhs | SMS ENGINEERING |
2 | Dr.G.Rohini Mrs.A.Akilandeswari Mr.V.R.Balaji | ECE | Design of Automation Panel for 3 axis pick and place robot | 2.50 lakhs | THIRUMAL Automation |
3 | Dr.G.Rohini Mrs.N.R.Bhuvaneswari Mr.A.Dinesh Kumar | ECE | Design of Thickness and weight measurement of mobile phone assembly Unit | 2.50 lakhs | CDCE Automation |
4 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Mr.M.Senthil Murugan Mr.D.Suresh | ECE | Design of Fool Proof Centralized Voting Machine | 2.80 lakhs | CDCEQ Automation |
5 | Dr.G.Rohini Ms.K.Suja Ms.D.M.Deepika | ECE | Development of ARM Cortex M4 board | 116000.00 | Pantech Pro Labs |
6 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Mrs.G.Annie Grace Vimala Mr.T.Siva | ECE | Development of DSP 6745 Board | 113000.00 | Pantech Pro Labs |
7 | Mrs.A.Akilandeswari Mrs.P.Princey Magadaline | ECE | ARM7 Development Board (LPC2148) | 1.80 lakhs | Pantech Pro Labs |
8 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Mrs.A.Akilandeswari Dr.G.Rohini Dr.P.G.V.Ramesh | ECE | Design & Analysis of Image Processing | 9 Lakhs | CDCE Automation |
9 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Dr.G.Rohini Mr.V.R.Balaji Mr.K.Immanuel | ECE | Mining Haulage Tracking and Monitoring | 3.50 Lakhs | AROBOT |
10 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Mrs.A.Akilandeswari Dr.G.Rohini Dr.P.G.V.Ramesh | ECE | Machine vision system for SMS Lab | 3.80 Lakhs | CDCE Automation |
11 | Dr.Kirubakaran Ms.M.R.Faritha Banu | EEE | Automated Service with Data monitoring System for Dams | 2,20,000 | CDCE Automation |
12 | Dr.V.Savithri Mr.S.Aswin Kannan | MECH | Study of Hydrocarbon refrigerant with the mixture of nano particles | 30,000 | ISHRAE |
9 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Dr.G.Rohini Mr.V.R.Balaji Mr.K.Immanuel | ECE | Mining Haulage Tracking and Monitoring | 3.50 Lakhs | AROBOT |
9 | Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya Dr.G.Rohini Mr.V.R.Balaji Mr.K.Immanuel | ECE | Mining Haulage Tracking and Monitoring | 3.50 Lakhs | AROBOT |
Department Wise Project Proposal Completed Details
S.No | Name | Dept. | Titile | Amount (Rs.) | Agency |
1 | Dr J.Dafni Rose Dr G.Vithya | CSE | IEEE Madras Section Hub Congress | 15000 | IEEE |
2 | Dr J.Dafni Rose Dr G.Vithya | CSE | Rio Industry Relation Support Fund | 450 USD | IEEE |
3 | Dr G.Vithya | CSE | Innovation Award | 600000 | Indian Railway |
4 | Dr J.Dafni Rose Dr G.Vithya | CSE | Compiler Design | 300000 | AICTE |
5 | Dr S.Padmakala | CSE | Cloud Analytics | 500000 | AICTE |
6 | Dr G.Vithya | CSE | Sensor IOT | 1500000 | CTS |
7 | Dr.Kirubakaran Mr.Kamalakannan | EEE | Flexible manufacturing system machine vision Integrated | 600000 | CDCE Automation, Chennai |
8 | Dr.Kirubakaran Mr.R.Manivannan | EEE | Design and Assembly of Automation Systems | 900000 | CDCE Automation,Chennai |