
Civil Service Academy

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Bureaucracy is the key to good governance and administration. To be a civil servant, a candidate must be given intensive structured training to crack the civil services examinations. Keeping this concern and in order to motivate the students who would prospectively become bureaucrats in the future, our management has taken a larger measure through St. Joseph’s Civil Services Academy.

The Academy aims to produce the able bureaucrats who would act as beacon of light for the welfare of the society. The academy aspires to create an avenue for the students to explore the opportunities in Indian Civil Services and Tamil Nadu Public Services (Group I services). The academy trains all of the students at free of cost, those who aspires to be an able and efficient civil servant.
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  • aims to produce qualified and passionate bureaucrats with a desire to facilitate change and bring welfare to our society.
  • aspires to create an avenue where the students can explore and learn for themselves the opportunities available in Indian Civil Services.
  • equips the students with well-planned knowledge based training and personality development.
  • produces students who are equipped with the skills and capabilities required to counter the competitiveness experienced in this sphere and understand the values of responsibility, accountability, honesty and leadership.

A good civil servant understands that he/she must serve as an instrument of good governance and foster socio-economic development in the service of the nation to add value to the society.
  • The academy has been delivering the consistent training program for our Final Year Students.
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days, the training has been given from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm. (8.00 am- 10.00 am test followed by regular classes)
  • Currently, 40 students are taking up the intensive training program towards UPSC Preliminary Examination.
  • Periodically, tests are conducted to evaluate the level of knowledge in the subjects.
  • TNPSC Group-I Examination 2020: Around Combined Civil Services Examinations- I (Group- I Services)Happy to inform that our student Ms. MANISHA A (2013-2017 Batch, ICE Dept.) has been selected provisionally for appointment by direct recruitment to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) in Tamil Nadu Police Services included in the CCS- I Examination (Group- I Services) 2016- 2019 conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Tamil Nadu.30 Students are going to attempt preliminary examination in April 2020.
  • UPSC Examination 2020: Around 30 Students are going to attempt the preliminary examination in May 2020.
  • The academy has been conducting the UPSC training sessions for one full day of every week in a month.
  • The UPSC Aspirants are being assessed by conducting series of test in various subjects like Geography, Economics, Indian Polity, and History & CSAT.
Motivational Talk
The St. Joseph’s Civil Services Academy for UPSC Training program had conducted a Seminar on “The Life in IAS, IPS & IFS-Examination Process and Preparation Strategies” by Mr. Ilanchezhian, Former Assistant Commandant, in Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) on February 05, 2020 from 10.00 am to 12.20 pm. Through this seminar the students gained an insight in to the innovative strategic examination preparation process. The cumulative information delivered by the guest was very informative.

Combined Civil Services Examinations- I (Group- I Services)
Happy to inform that our student Ms. MANISHA A (2013-2017 Batch, ICE Dept.) has been selected provisionally for appointment by direct recruitment to the post of Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) in Tamil Nadu Police Services included in the CCS- I Examination (Group- I Services) 2016- 2019 conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Tamil Nadu.


Combined Engineering Services (CES) Examinations
Mr. VIGNESH RAJ S (2014-2018 Batch, Civil Dept.) has been selected as Assistant Engineer in Highway Department. He has secured the 69th Rank in Combined Engineering Services Examinations- 2019 conducted by Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Tamil Nadu.

S. No Name Specialization Experience
1. Prof.Nappoly Geography 50 years
2. Prof.Kaliamoorthy History 40 Years
3. Mr.Valid Sha Economics 25 years
4. Mr.RajKumar Indian Polity 10 years
5. Mr.Prakash Environmental, Economics 10 years
6. Mr.S DaneshKumar General Ability 9 years
7. Mr.A Stephen Current Affairs 8 years
8. Mr.Stalin Geography, current Affairs 8 years
9. Mr. Thangamuthu Aptitude & Reasoning 5 years