Publication Details |
International Conference: 06
- Ms.B.Arthika, Mrs.K.Maheswari published a paper "Assessment of Groundwater Quality by Water Quality Index for Perungudi, Chennai " in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-VIII, Issue-III, September 2019.
- Mrs. B. Arthika and Mrs. K. Maheswari, published a paper "Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Pallavaram Area by WQI Method", in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, Volume 7, Issue 12, pp 535-546, 2018.
- Mrs. B. Arthika, Mrs. K. Maheshwari and Mr. M. Azhagumuthu, published a paper " Partial Replacement Of Cement Using GGBS & Natural Sand Using Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) In High Performance Concrete" in Journal of Applied Science and Computations, Volume V, Issue XII, pp 1407-1415, 2018.
- Mrs. B. Arthika, Mr. M. Sriraman, Mr. R. Jino and Mrs. K. Maheswari, published a paper titled “ Design of Sanitary Landfill for the Avadi Municipality” in in Scopus Indexed Journal “ International Journal Of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)”, (IJCIET)”, Volume 9, Issue 3, March 2018, pp. 698-706, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316
- Mrs.S. Banupriya and Mrs. K. Maheswari, presented a paper titled “Determination Of Hyperbolic Stress-Strain Parameters For Sand-Silt Mixtures” in International conference on global environmental changes and suistainable development in civil engineering-icgecsd'18 held at Vel tech RangarajanDr.sagunthala R & D Institute of science and technology, Avadi during 4th and 5th April 2018.
- Mrs. K. Maheswari, Mr. R. Ravikiran& Mr. J. Jeypragasam, presented a paper in International Conference on “Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Civil Engineering” (ICONTEACE-2018) held at SRM University Chennai.
National Conference: 01
- Mrs. K. Maheswari, Mr. R. Ravikiran& Mr. J. Jeypragasam, presented a paper in International Conference on “Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Civil Engineering” (ICONTEACE-2018) held at SRM University Chennai.