About Our Society

St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology IEEE WIE has around 125 members from ECE. The IEEE WIE chapter’s activities were inaugurated on 28.07.2016 at 1.00 P.M. Dr.B.Babu Manoharan, Chairman, St.Joseph's Group of Instittutions; Mr.B.Sashi Sekar, Director and Dr.P.Ravichandran, Principal, dignified the event. The Inauguration was presided by esteemed chief guest Dr.Vydeki Vijakumar, Chair-WIE Chapter.
Our goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. IEEE WIE strives to
Recognize the outstanding achievements of women in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations Organize receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in IEEE WIE Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance, and career advancement for women in the profession Provide assistance with the formation of new IEEE WIE Affinity Groups, and support ongoing activities Promote IEEE member grade advancement for women to the membership grades of Senior member and Fellow Facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into, and retention of, women in engineering programs Administer the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schools

Meet the Team


Dr.C.Gnana Kousalya

Society Chair-Person






Student Chair

IV Year


Simran Sara

Student Vice-Chair

III Year



Student Secretary

III Year