Page 9 - Triumphus - June2024 - 1
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                                                 St. Joseph’s College of Engineeringoseph's Institute of Technology
                                    Industry Interaction

       Dr.  G.  Uthayakumar,  a  distinguished  faculty  member  of  the  Electronics  and

       Communication  Engineering  (ECE)  department,  recently  engaged  in  a  productive
       discussion  with  the  Deputy  General  Manager  (DGM)  of  the  Airports  Authority  of

       India  (AAI)  in  Chennai.  The  focus  of  the  meeting  was  to  explore  internship

       opportunities for students and to discuss the establishment of a Memorandum of
       Understanding (MoU) between the educational institution and AAI.

       AAI has outlined a comprehensive internship program that will encompass various

       critical     areas     including       Air     Traffic     Management,           Airport      Operations,
       Architecture/Planning,  Communication,  Navigation  and  Surveillance,  and

       Engineering & Technology (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, IT). These internships are

       designed  to  provide  students  with  hands-on  experience  and  exposure  to  the

       operations  and  technologies  that  underpin  modern  airport  and  aviation

       In  alignment  with  the  "AAI  Guidelines  for  MoUs  with  Institutes,"  AAI  encourages

       heads  of  educational  institutions  to  formalize  partnerships  through  MoUs.  This

       initiative  aims  to  ensure  that  the  collaboration  process  is  seamless  and
       transparent.  Airports  and  offices  are  instructed  to  forward  details  of  interested

       nearby  educational  institutions  to  the  General  Manager  (HR)  -  Training  at  the

       Corporate Headquarters (CHQ), who will then initiate the MoU-signing process.
       The proposed MoU with AAI represents a significant opportunity for students to

       gain  valuable  industry  experience  and  for  educational  institutions  to  strengthen

       their  academic  programs  through  practical  engagement  with  AAI's  advanced
       infrastructure and expertise.

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